Corn Conditions 6.5.16Soybean Conditions 6.5.16Corn Emerged 6.5.16Soybean Planting 6.5.16

Despite healthy crop condition scores, prices rallied Monday over concerns about hot conditions moving into much of the country later in June.

Corn conditions improved to 75% good-excellent vs. 72% in the initial report of the year last week and 74% last year.  Corn planting is virtually complete at 98% done.  Corn emergence is at 90% vs. 89% last year and 86% on average.

The initial soybean condition report of the year was also very healthy at 72% good-excellent vs. 69% last year at this time. Soybean planting is 83% complete vs. 77% last year and 77% on average.

Conditions    (Good + Excellent)
Corn Conditions G/E: 75% TW vs. 72% LW, 74% LY
Soybean Conditions G/E: 72% TW vs. NA LW, 69% LY
Winter Wheat Conditions G/E: 62% TW vs. 63% LW, 43% LY
Spring Wheat Conditions G/E: 79% TW vs. 79% LW, 69% LY
Crop Progress Summary
Corn Planted 98% TW vs. 94% LW, 99% LY, 97% AVG
Corn Emerged 90% TW vs. 78% LW, 89% LY, 86% AVG
Soybean Planted 83% TW vs. 73% LW, 77% LY, 77% AVG
Soybean Emerged 65% TW vs. 45% LW, 60% LY, 57% AVG
Milo Planted 58% TW vs. 44% LW, 52% LY, 62% AVG
Winter Wheat Headed 91% TW vs. 84% LW, 89% LY, 83% AVG
Winter Wheat Harvested 2% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 3% LY, 10% AVG
Spring Wheat Emerged 96% TW vs. 88% LW, 95% LY, 78% AVG


Read the complete NASS report here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading Inc.