Corn Conditions 6.26.16Soybean Conditions 6.26.16

National corn condition scores continue to surprise and impress.  Corn conditions were steady again this week at 75% good-excellent vs. 68% last year at this time.

Soybean conditions slid to 72% good-excellent vs. 73% last week and 63% last year.

Conditions    (Good + Excellent)
Corn Conditions G/E: 75% TW vs. 75% LW, 68% LY
Soybean Conditions G/E: 72% TW vs. 73% LW, 63% LY
Milo Conditions G/E: 70% TW vs. 70% LW, 68% LY
Winter Wheat Conditions G/E: 62% TW vs. 61% LW, 41% LY
Spring Wheat Conditions G/E: 72% TW vs. 76% LW, 72% LY
Crop Progress Summary
Corn Silking 6% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 3% LY, 5% AVG
Soybean Emerged 95% TW vs. 89% LW, 88% LY, 91% AVG
Soybean Blooming 9% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 7% LY, 7% AVG
Milo Planted 95% TW vs. 88% LW, 91% LY, 93% AVG
Milo Headed 26% TW vs. 17% LW, 20% LY, 22% AVG
Winter Wheat Harvested 45% TW vs. 25% LW, 33% LY, 41% AVG
Spring Wheat Headed 56% TW vs. 28% LW, 42% LY, 27% AVG


Read the complete NASS report here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading Inc.