Corn Silking 7.10.16 Corn Conditions 7.10.16 Soybeans Blooming 7.10.16 Soybean Conditions 7.10.16

Recent rains helped improve crop condition scores in this week’s Crop Progress Report by NASS.

Corn conditions improved to 76% good-excellent vs. 75% last week and 69% last year.  Soybean conditions improved to 71% good-excellent vs. 70% last week and 62% last year.

The crops are moving along rapidly as well.  Corn silking is at 32% vs. 23% last year and 26% on average.

Soybeans blooming are at 40% vs. 33% last year and 31% on average.

Conditions    (Good + Excellent)
Corn Conditions G/E: 76% TW vs. 75% LW, 69% LY
Soybean Conditions G/E: 71% TW vs. 70% LW, 62% LY
Milo Conditions G/E: 69% TW vs. 69% LW, 67% LY
Spring Wheat Conditions G/E: 70% TW vs. 72% LW, 71% LY
Crop Progress Summary
Corn Silking 32% TW vs. 15% LW, 23% LY, 26% AVG
Soybean Blooming 40% TW vs. 22% LW, 33% LY, 31% AVG
Soybean Setting Pods 7% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 5% LY, 5% AVG
Milo Headed 31% TW vs. 29% LW, 27% LY, 27% AVG
Milo Coloring 16% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 16% LY, 19% AVG
Winter Wheat Harvested 66% TW vs. 58% LW, 62% LY, 65% AVG
Spring Wheat Headed 91% TW vs. 74% LW, 87% LY, 64% AVG


Read the complete NASS report

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading Inc