Corn Silking 7.24.16 Corn Conditions 7.24.16 Soybeans Setting Pods 7.24.16 Soybean Conditions 7.24.16

Monday’s Weekly Crop Progress and Condition Report shows the crop are moving ahead quickly and in good condition.

Corn silking is at 79% this week vs. 71% last year and 70% on average.  Corn conditions were steady once again this week at 76% good-excellent vs. 70% last year.  There was deterioration in crop condition scores noted in the states of South Dakota, Michigan, and Ohio where dry conditions are being experienced.

Soybeans setting pods have reached 35% vs. 29% last year and 26% on average.  Soybean conditions were also steady this week at 71% good-excellent vs. 62% last year.

Conditions    (Good + Excellent)
Corn Conditions G/E: 76% TW vs. 76% LW, 70% LY
Soybean Conditions G/E: 71% TW vs. 71% LW, 62% LY
Milo Conditions G/E: 65% TW vs. 68% LW, 68% LY
Spring Wheat Conditions G/E: 68% TW vs. 69% LW, 71% LY
Crop Progress Summary
Corn Silking 79% TW vs. 56% LW, 71% LY, 70% AVG
Corn Dough 13% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 12% LY, 13% AVG
Soybean Blooming 76% TW vs. 59% LW, 67% LY, 66% AVG
Soybean Setting Pods 35% TW vs. 18% LW, 29% LY, 26% AVG
Milo Headed 49% TW vs. 39% LW, 42% LY, 41% AVG
Milo Coloring 23% TW vs. 19% LW, 22% LY, 26% AVG
Winter Wheat Harvested 83% TW vs. 76% LW, 82% LY, 79% AVG


Read the complete NASS report here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading Inc.