Corn Dough 7.31.16 Corn Conditions 7.31.16 Soybeans Setting Pods 7.31.16 Soybean Conditions 7.31.16

Soybean condition scores improved this week as weather has been favorable for most of the corn belt.  Soybean conditions are rated 72% good-excellent vs. 71% last week and 63% last year.  Corn conditions were once again steady this week at 76% good-excellent vs. 70% last year.

Crop progress is moving along ahead of normal.  Corn in the dough stage is at 30% vs. 25% last year and 25% on average. Soybeans setting pods are at 54% vs. 48% last year and 44% on average.

Conditions    (Good + Excellent)
Corn Conditions G/E: 76% TW vs. 76% LW, 70% LY
Soybean Conditions G/E: 72% TW vs. 71% LW, 63% LY
Milo Conditions G/E: 66% TW vs. 65% LW, 68% LY
Spring Wheat Conditions G/E: 68% TW vs. 68% LW, 70% LY
Crop Progress Summary
Corn Silking 91% TW vs. 79% LW, 87% LY, 85% AVG
Corn Dough 30% TW vs. 13% LW, 25% LY, 25% AVG
Soybean Blooming 85% TW vs. 76% LW, 78% LY, 79% AVG
Soybean Setting Pods 54% TW vs. 35% LW, 48% LY, 44% AVG
Milo Headed 61% TW vs. 49% LW, 54% LY, 50% AVG
Milo Coloring 26% TW vs. 23% LW, 27% LY, 29% AVG
Winter Wheat Harvested 89% TW vs. 83% LW, 91% LY, 86% AVG
Spring Wheat Harvested 10% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 6% LY, 9% AVG


Read the complete NASS report here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading Inc.