NASS released their initial national corn crop ratings Tuesday.  Not surprisingly, this year’s corn crop ratings are behind last year at 65% good-excellent vs. 72% last year at this time.

However, crop progress has been close to keeping pace with the 5-year averages.  Corn planting is 91% complete vs. 93% last year and 93% on average.  Corn emerged is 73% vs. 75% last year and 75% on average.

Soybean planting is 67% complete vs. 71% last year and 68% on average. Soybeans emerged are 37% vs. 42% last year and 40% on average.

Progress and condition scores in western belt states are generally ahead of eastern belt states

Conditions    (Good + Excellent)
Corn Conditions G/E: 65% TW vs. NA LW, 72% LY
Winter Wheat Conditions G/E: 50% TW vs. 52% LW, 63% LY
Spring Wheat Conditions G/E: 62% TW vs. NA LW, 79% LY
Crop Progress Summary
Corn Planted 91% TW vs. 84% LW, 93% LY, 93% AVG
Corn Emerged 73% TW vs. 54% LW, 75% LY, 75% AVG
Soybean Planted 67% TW vs. 53% LW, 71% LY, 68% AVG
Soybean Emerged 37% TW vs. 19% LW, 42% LY, 40% AVG
Milo Planted 44% TW vs. 37% LW, 43% LY, 49% AVG
Winter Wheat Headed 80% TW vs. 72% LW, 83% LY, 77% AVG
Spring Wheat Planted 96% TW vs. 90% LW, 98% LY, 91% AVG
Spring Wheat Emerged 79% TW vs. 62% LW, 87% LY, 74% AVG

Read the complete NASS report here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading, Inc