The Weekly Crop Progress report showed corn planting and emergence are both ahead of last year’s pace and the 5-year average.  Despite a lot of issues, farmers having taken advantage of opportunities when they became available.

Soybean planting and emergence continues to move rapidly ahead of last year’s pace and the 5-year average as well.

This week’s report featured the initial national corn condition scores.  The corn crop is rated 79% good-excellent nationally which is well ahead of last year which was 65% good-excellent at this time.  Minnesota is rated 86% good-excellent and Wisconsin is a very high 90% good-excellent.

Conditions    (Good + Excellent)
Corn Conditions G/E: 79% TW vs. NA LW, 65% LY
Winter Wheat Conditions G/E: 38% TW vs. 36% LW, 50% LY
Crop Progress Summary
Corn Planted 92% TW vs. 81% LW, 90% LY, 90% AVG
Corn Emerged 72% TW vs. 50% LW, 70% LY, 69% AVG
Soybean Planted 77% TW vs. 56% LW, 65% LY, 62% AVG
Soybean Emerged 47% TW vs. 26% LW, 34% LY, 32% AVG
Milo Planted 49% TW vs. 39% LW, 43% LY, 44% AVG
Winter Wheat Headed 73% TW vs. 61% LW, 79% LY, 75% AVG
Spring Wheat Planted 91% TW vs. 79% LW, 95% LY, 89% AVG
Spring Wheat Emerged 63% TW vs. 37% LW, 77% LY, 68% AVG


Read the complete NASS report here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading Inc