We are looking for photos for our next annual calendar. We have had an incredible response the last few years. Photos can showcase your family, farm, and animals. We are so fortunate to have very talented photographers that represent our entire service area.
To help make the calendar as high quality as possible, our publisher has given some suggestions to pass along to you, our photographers:
- Most digital cameras are set to hold as many photographs as possible. In doing so, the picture quality is somewhat compromised. You should set your camera to its highest-quality setting. For the calendar, we enlarge photos to as large as 8 by 10 inches and the pixels often become more evident as the photo is enlarged which can cause the picture to lose definition.
- Lighting is also critical. Use the maximum amount of natural lighting possible. Pictures taken on a bright, cloudy day, or on a sunny day away from direct sunlight, will give the best results.
- If you are using a photo program that came with your computer, be cautious when altering the brightness of photos. When enlarged to 8 by 10 inches, they can become very grainy and can’t be used in the calendar.
- Please save your photos to a flash drive, CD or email them to cindyb@agpartners.net Please identify the photographer with name and address. If you email be sure to use the original size and quality.
You can mail or drop them off at any of our locations, or e-mail to cindyb@agpartners.net
Please contact Cindy Boehlke at 651-345-3328 with any questions.
Please submit your photos by September 1, 2018 for consideration for the 2019 Calendar.