by John Goosens
2020 Dicamba Soybean Training
All commercial and private applicators who plan on spraying any soybean dicamba product (Engenia, FeXapan, Tavium, and Xtendimax) during the 2020 crop year must attend dicamba specific training. This Dicamba certification is independent of the recertification courses the state puts on, for commercial and private applicators, that satisfy the requirements to keep a current license without having to retest.
A list of class offerings can be found at
There is also an online training option which fulfills this requirement and can be found at
If you have any questions you can check out the Dicamba FAQ page at Since we do not put on and are not involved in the planning of any of these trainings, our ability to answer specific questions is limited, but we’ll be happy to help any way we can.