Your Local Weekly Ag Partners Agronomic Update.
The one-stop-shop to hearing everything you need to know this week about what is happening in your fields.

This week’s featured agronomists are:

Easton Schuch- Le Sueur
Erin Goebel  – Owatonna
Mike Alme – Goodhue

 Zach Thompson – Lewiston
Chace Kinneman- Ellsworth

Scroll down to hear from your local agronomist.

Belle Plaine – LeCenter – LeSueur

Easton Schuch

This week we are seeing our first signs of tassels popping in corn fields, with the rest looking to come out in the next week or so after. Remember that this is the time frame we want to shoot for when applying fungicide on corn. A good rule of thumb is if its corn on corn spray it, regardless of response to fungicide rating.  If it is corn on beans, consult with your agronomist in order to make sure we are putting it on the varieties that need it and will show you you biggest return on investment.  The goal of fungicide is to maintain the yields we have been creating this season and protect what we have, so the crops can finish the year strong and healthy!

We are starting to see some late season weeds popping up across the country.  Soybeans are flowering, therefore your evaluate with your agronomist your options so we do the least amount of harm to the crop.


Kenyon – Morristown – Owatonna

Erin Goebel

On Farm Trials
Do you like to perform on farm trials? AYS has been utilizing the Enhanced Learning Block® system through Premier Crop since 2016.  These on farm trials give you the opportunity to test crop production inputs such as Phosphorus, Potassium, Nitrogen, Sulfur,  Fungicide, and Planting Population. They vary with 3-5 rates or are applied as randomized on/off treatment. These treatments are replicated a minimum of 5 times and randomized within the trial area.
Pictured above is the Premier Crop prescription, which gets loaded into the application equipment to perform.  They show black blocks on the recommendation sheet, showing it is truly a randomized trial Pictured above is the as-applied from the machine.  You can see the machines do a great job at performing the randomized rates.


These are two ELB’s placed in a Variable Rate Nitrogen rec. When we place ELB in VR nitrogen recs we do +30/-30 lbs of N of what is supposed to be applied.

ELB #1:

  • Area around is 92# (26gals)
  • The randomized rates are: 92#(26gals), 62# (17.5gals),122#(34gals)

ELB #2:

  • Area around is 49.5#(14gals)
  • The randomized rates are: 49.5#(14gals), 79.5#(22.4gals), 19.5#(5.5gals)

Stay Tuned for 2020 Harvest Results:
AYS has the following number for ELB trials out in our local fields:

  • 219  Nitrogen
  • 18    Phosphorus
  • 43    Potassium
  • 22    Sulfur
  • 372  Planting Population


Zach Thompson

Summer is still here!!  In Lewiston we did not get any moisture this week.  However, there are been very small areas that have gotten a couple tenths.  Some of the lighter areas are starting to dry up.  The better soils are hanging in there so far.

This week our intern was out digging roots and doing root floats.  As you can see there is some feeding on these roots.  It never hurts to get the shovel out, dig a few plants, and bring them home to wash off.  If there is damage, how will it effect nutrient uptake and standability come late season?  We have not seen any extreme pressure in our floats completed this past week.

Root feeding found around Lewiston this past week

Wanamingo – Pine Island – Cannon Falls -Goodhue -Lake City

Join Mike Alme, Goodhue Agronomist,
to hear a brief agronomic update. 

Click on picture below:


Chace Kinneman

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. This week corn is at V10-V12, some further than that, and beans are at R1-R2. We are starting to spray fungicide on the further along beans and are planning on starting early next week on the corn fungicide. We are still finishing up a few weedy bean fields here and there but for the most part crops are looking good. 2nd crop hay is finished and we have sprayed quite a few bugs in the hay already, along with some ascend.
Waterhemp pressure prior to spraying Enlist One Waterhemp pressure 3 weeks after spraying Enlist One

Getting loaded up to spray fungicide and Max-In Vine and Veg on the soybeans.