
by Bill Ahlbrecht
CEO/General Manager

As everyone is busy with the spring season, I wanted to take a moment to provide an update and answer some questions on the merger process between Ag Partners and All-American Co-op:

Where are we in the process?

  • The merger continues to move forward with a study being conducted by our consultants and managers.
  • During this process we are continuing with business as usual.
  • We will only continue to pursue this merger if it is positive for our patrons and employees.

Why are we exploring this merger opportunity?

  • To protect all the equity balances for our farmer-owners while maintaining or strengthening our current equity Revolvement Plan.
  • To better position both companies for long term success and sustainability.
  • To provide the advantages of a larger organization while still maintaining strong local ownership and control.
  • To improve our current asset utilization and combine resources for future needed investments in assets & technology.
  • To enable growth and enhancement of our services as well as providing greater access to markets.
  • To provide career opportunities for employees and enhance our ability to retain, attract and promote top talent.
  • Continue to drive the strong culture of service and quality present within both companies.

When will we hear more?

  • The study portion of the merger process will be concluding at the end of May.
  • Both Boards will meet jointly to review a final draft of the study and make the decision on the next step around the first week of June.
  • We will have more information to share after that decision!