Your Local Weekly Ag Partners Agronomic Update.
The one-stop-shop to hearing everything you need to know this week about what is happening in your fields.


This week’s featured agronomists are:


Dave Richter- Belle Plaine
Joe Dee- Morristown
Gregg Gustine – Pine Island
Justice Keefauver- Lewiston
Luke Daninger- Ellsworth

Scroll down to hear from your local agronomist.

Belle Plaine – LeCenter – LeSueur

Dave Richter

Planting progress continues to move at a rapid pace in the Belle Plaine area.  I would project 90% of the corn is planted with most clients finishing up this weekend.  Soybeans are also going in the ground at a record pace with probably 75% of the beans planted.  Improved seed treatments have been a huge asset in reducing the risk of early planted soybeans.

Corn planted April 21 is showing consistent germination with a small crook in the coleoptile (shoot) from cold stress.  With a  few warm, sunny days to increase soil temps and we should emerge in good shape.

Soybeans getting planted now are going into dry conditions.  However, if they are planted around the 1.5 inch depth the seed is imbibing enough moisture to germinate.

Wanamingo – Kenyon – Morristown – Owatonna

Join Joe Dee, Morristown Agronomist, 
to hear a brief agronomic update from the field.
Click on picture below:


Justice Keefauver

Planting is in full force! Locally, planting is roughly 80% complete on corn and soybeans, spanning a wide range of planting dates. With the dry conditions this spring, opportunities to get crops in the ground were not hard to come by. Most of our area was in a moderate drought situation with the many common wet areas dried up for the first time in many years!  We have not seen any emerging row crops due to total GDU
accumulation of around 160 since the 6th of April, with an average 24 hour high/low temp of 48 degrees for the last 30 days.

Based on the upcoming forecast and recent moisture, I believe we will start to see much emerged by the end of next week! Although many are nervous about the dry conditions, I have heard great feedback on planting conditions and seed depth placement. It will be a nice change in pace this spring as we have had our fair share of wet springs the past few years. We anticipate a lot better seed bed with less sidewall compaction. We are happy to see these commodity prices help the drive and positivity in the area and hope that you all have a safe rest of your planting season!

Pine Island – Cannon Falls -Goodhue -Lake City

Gregg Gustine Agronomist Pine Island

Gregg Gustine

Even with the cold & dry conditions, weed growth this spring is quite robust. Make sure to get your pre-emerge herbicides applied in a timely manner. Two inches of weed growth can result in a five bushel yield loss.


Early planting into extremely cold soils have resulted in very slow germination. More than ten percent of the early planted seeds I have dug appear to be non-viable. Be sure to monitor emergence to determine if a replant is necessary. I like to see a final stand of a minimum of eighty percent of the planted population.

The stand in the next photo has ten plants in ten feet- it should have twenty. The emergence is also uneven. Most of the early planted corn I have walked has looked like this. Be sure to stand count your corn after it emerges to insure you have a profitable population. As always, reach out to your Ag Partners Agronomist with any questions.


Luke Daninger

A lot of progress in the field has been made in the past week in Wisconsin.  About 75% of the corn is planted and soybeans are following suite.   Much of the geography could go for a good soaking rain.

With the dry conditions we are in right now, we keep getting the question on if plans should be followed through on to stick with the pre-emerge soybean program.

It is a good idea to continue to spray products, like Sonic, in order to hedge towards getting rain to activate the residual.  This allows us to get ahead of tough to control weeds, like giant ragweed and waterhemp.  If growers choose not to spray and we get a rain spell, it could spell trouble on the weed control front if we have naked fields. Be proactive in your weed management program this year.

Sonic treatment on the right, untreated on the left