The one-stop-shop to hearing everything you need to know this week about what is happening in your fields.
This week’s featured agronomists are:
Easton Schuch – Le Sueur
Chad Mattes – Le Center
Chad Wiersma – Owatonna
Kenny Loftus – Lewiston
Eric Soley – Ellsworth
Scroll down to hear from your local agronomist.
Belle Plaine – LeCenter – LeSueur
Easton Schuch |
Looks like we are starting to reach the end of the fungicide stretch this season and things are looking VERY good out in the fields. Even with the couple rains we were able to catch here and there, our fungicide applications are really starting show their plant health and water efficiency benefits. Some early trial data and imagery are showing just that with added NDVI imagery. |
In regard to crop progress, we are around 203 growing degree units ahead of normal. In comparison, that puts us about 50 GDU’s ahead of last year. With that being said, we should be able to expect a similar harvest date as last year meaning, it won’t be too long before we start to get the combines ready to roll across the field. So, let’s make sure we have our fall plans in place to follow right behind! As always let’s have a safe fall to everyone and their family!
Belle Plaine – LeCenter – LeSueur
Chad Mattes
Join Chad with a quick update from the field!
Owatonna – Morristown – Wanamingo – Kenyon
Chad Wiersma
Join Chad for a quick update from the field!
Kenny Loftus |
It won’t be long and choppers will be starting corn silage and combines soon to follow. With that, we need to start the planning process for good data in-good data out. |
By that I’m talking about reaching out to your equipment dealer and asking is there are any new updates for your precision equipment and/or new updates to your harvest equipment. For example, last fall there were some growers that were not having much success with accuracy with the scales in the grain tank and there were others that were having luck because they reached out to their dealer and the proper updates were completed.
Also, for those that using Climate Fieldview in the cab make sure that the cab app is up to date and do not update the iOS software until told to do so. Also, while on your iPad double check that 2021 planting data looks correct, varieties look accurate and that you have the “hockey puck” installed. If you have any trials, let your AYS specialist or agronomists know where they are to make sure we measure the performance.
Eric Soley
Join Eric for a quick update from the field!