The one-stop-shop to hearing everything you need to know this week about what is happening in your fields.

This week’s featured agronomists are:
Casey Carlson – Goodhue
Adam Steffel – Belle Plaine
Hannah Elias – Goodhue
Justin Schaefer  – Wanamingo
Brett Decker – Lewiston

Chace Kinneman – Ellsworth

Scroll down to hear from your local agronomist.

Your Advanced Yield Systems Weekly Spotlight: 

Casey Carlson Agronomist Goodhue

Casey Carlson

Resetting Climate Fieldview Cab App in New iPads

Belle Plaine – LeCenter – LeSueur

Adam Steffel

For many of us our favorite time of year is finally upon us- harvest!  We get to see what the hard work from this past season has produced, which all early yield reports has everyone pleasantly surprised.

With things starting to really speed up now in the fields, remember to slow down and make sure your yield monitor is calibrated.  It  is also important to call your Ag Partners agronomist to come out and weigh any trials we have laid out this season.  The better data we can collect this fall translates into better decisions we can make for next year.

As we  have been getting out into these corn fields, one large concern to note is stalk quality.  We are seeing weak stalks and tipping over due to varietal differences and environmental situations from this past growing season.  It is key to put your fields into a harvest order.  Reach out to your Ag Partners agronomist for more advice and assistance in creating a harvest order for your farm.

Pine Island – Cannon Falls -Goodhue -Lake City

Hannah Elias

The corn silage window has closed.  We saw good tonnage and moisture in the area, given the weather we were dealt with late this summer. We are finally geared up and rolling on grain harvest! I have not seen much for corn coming out yet, but soybeans are coming out quickly.   From speaking to farmers in the area, soybeans have been sitting at 11-14% moisture and early maturity beans are ranging anywhere around 55-80 bushels. I am personally very excited to see how fungicide applications have helped our drought-stressed crop!

We have weigh wagons available, so if you need your monitor calibrated just give your Ag Partners agronomist a call and we can run out and help with that.

I hope every has a fun and safe harvest season!

Owatonna – Morristown – Wanamingo – Kenyon

Justin Schaefer Agronomist Wanamingo

Justin Schaefer

Bean harvest is off and running!  After a very hot and dry growing season, most were expecting lower than average yields.  However, early reports are coming in looking very promising, leaving many growers pleasantly surprised!  It will be interesting digging into the correlating factors that played into these yields.  Some that come to mind are the late summer rains that helped our crops finish out and fungicide use that may have helped limit stress caused by the above mentioned hot and dry summer.

Please make notes as you are harvesting your fields.  This is a great time to not only review practices that worked well for you, but also to mark down areas where weed control was an issue and chemistry changes may need to be made in the future.

Weather permitting, this Fall is looking to be very busy with grid sampling, fertilizer and lime applications.  Please stay in contact with your agronomist as you are finishing up farms, so we can efficiently get those next steps done in a timely manner.

Stay safe and reach out to your Ag Partners Agronomist whenever needed!

Elgin – Lewiston – Stewartville

Brett Decker

Happy Fall everyone.  It has been a beautiful start to the harvest season.  Corn silage is mostly wrapped up, with only a few late planted corn fields left.  High moisture corn or earlage has begun this last week for those with animals, with the moisture coming in around the upper 30% to low 40%.  Soybean harvest is in full swing.  The yields have been better than expected for most growers.  Some growers are reporting their best field averages in a long time.

The warm weather this last week has a lot of soybeans being harvested in the 11-12% moisture.  There are some fields that were hit hard with disease, which set in very late, and are limiting the yield slightly.  We have seen spotty white mold pressures, sudden death, and anthracnose set in on the later maturity soybeans.

Tar spot in corn

Anthracnose in beans

A few growers have also started on grain corn.  Early reports have good yields, coming in at the 220-230 bushel per acre range with moistures in the low 20’s.  These fields were candidates because disease has terminated the plant early.  A lot of fields that have dried up early are because of the presence of tar spot.  Warm temperatures that we have experienced this Fall has caused us to see more Tar Spot than usual.  I would recommend looking at the corn and stalk integrity to determine a harvest schedule to avoid any potential disasters.  As always, if you have any questions reach out to your local Ag Partners agronomist.  Stay safe and good luck this fall with the harvest.


Chase Kinneman

Let The Combines Roll!!!   Beans are looking pretty good out in the country. I’ve been doing weigh checks all week and they seem to be in that upper 50’s and go all the way up into the 80’s!!! There have been a few bad white mold fields that have been running between 45 and 50, which I think is a win.

Some guys switched to corn when the beans were still a little wet, which has been looking pretty promising as well. Early reports are saying 19-22% moisture. Not bad for September.

On a more personal note, my wife and I grew a fairly large pumpkin patch for the kids this year and man did that yield good this year too. I guess watering helped a lot haha!  I hope everyone has a safe and productive harvest.