Moisture testing will be offered at our usual locations, and our agronomists or feed nutritionists are happy to help with testing any time. Contact Feed at 651-923-6001, and Agronomy at 651-923-6002.

Results will be shared with you the day following your sample testing.

Samples should include 4-5 stalks and should be cut at the height at which you will harvest for silage. Samples should be delivered by 1pm.

Ellsworth Farm Store

290 N Morse St, Ellsworth, WI

Wednesday 9/4 (tentative based off what we are seeing in the fields)
Monday 9/9
Thursday 9/12
Monday 9/16

Lewiston Farm Store/Feed Warehouse

600 Debra Dr, Lewiston, MN

Thursday 9/5
Wednesday 9/11


101 Broadway, Goodhue, MN

Thursday 9/5
Thursday 9/12

Elgin Agronomy

27594 Wabasha Co Rd 25, Elgin, MN

Monday 9/9

MN Dry Down Flyer 


WI Dry Down Flyer