Ag Partners Feed

Serving our customers with the best quality products available. We proudly customize orders at our own mill as well as offer reputable brands.

Feed Orders: 651-923-6001  OR  feedorder@agpartners.net

Nutritionists, Production Specialists, Drivers and Mill workers have the experience and training to help you succeed.

Custom feed to fit your needs is manufactured in one of our three specialty feed mills: Goodhue, Stewartville & Pine Island.

Our commitment to you is to provide the best quality feed available using the highest standards in the area.




Our nutrition and production specialists have the experience and training to maximize your production and profits.

Our employees are passionate about raising livestock, and show and companion animals. Ag Partners has a variety of specialists who know the needs of your herd, flock or pet.

 hard working, caring employees that are driven to provide you with the best quality feeds available when and where you want them.

Our Goodhue facility manufactures most of our beef and dairy feeds while the Pine Island mill manufactures primarily swine feed. Stewartville manufacturers our specialty feeds including single-mix pelletized feeds.

We find separating our mills this way provides for high efficiency when it comes to production and delivery.

Our fleet of bulk and bag trucks work within and out of all locations to serve a southern Minnesota and western Wisconsin.

We start with only the best ingredients along with employees that are committed to manufacturing and delivery of a quality product. Ingredients are weighed and measured by computer to mix to the specifications requested at a competitive price.

Our production facilities are Safe Feed/Safe Food Certified. Products are inspected by managers and third party professionals.





Purina Mills Vita Plus Sunglo Feeds safe feed safe food certified facility Feed Safety Data Sheets QLF Feeder Cattle Breakeven Calculator