Ag Partners Ellsworth Farm Store
Ellsworth (Farm Store)
290 North Morse Street
Ellsworth, WI 54011
Store Hours
- Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm
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We offer a professional team of livestock nutritionists and production specialists to assist you with the daily challenges of raising livestock. Our stores in Ellsworth and Grange Hall (Maiden Rock) provide local service and custom feed products manufactured by Ag Partners Coop. All customized products are manufactured using only the best quality ingredients available.
Store Products
We only market products that we have complete confidence in.
- Feed
- Show Feeds and Supplements
- Horse Supplements
- Pet Food
- Bedding
- Animal Health Supplies
- Wild Bird Seed and Suet
- Fly Control Products
- Rodent Control
- Lawn Seed and Sprays
- Food Plot Seed
- Bagged Fertilizer
- Propane Tank Refills
- Gloves
- Solar Salt
Feed Brands We Carry:
- Purina
- Vita Plus
- VitaFerm
- Exclusive
- Infinia
- Red Flannel
- Nutri Source
- Diamond
- Tuffy’s
- Science Diet
Animals We Feed:
- Dairy
- Beef
- Equine
- Poultry
- Swine
- Sheep
- Goats
- Wild Birds
- Wildlife
- Pets
- Rabbit
- We Offer to carry out and load any bag for all customers
- We Can get products to or from any other Ag Partners locations
- If you don’t see a product or feed that you want, we can try and special order
- We offer a feed pickup discount for all customers if purchasing 500lbs or more
- Route truck delivery for bagged product
- Bulk feed delivery
Frequent Buyer Cards:
- Exclusive: Buy 8, Get one free
- Infinia: Buy 8, Get on free
- Red Flannel: Buy 10, Get 1 free
- Select Purina Horse Feed: Buy 10, Get 1 Free

Lincoln Purfeerst
Dan “Uni” Unser