Ag Partners offers a variety of grain marketing programs and services designed to help producers market their grain profitably. Our team consists of experienced buyers, merchandisers, and licensed brokers who are ready to assist you. You can rely on our grain marketing staff to create and implement your grain marketing plan effectively. We offer grain handling facilities in 14 communities including a barge loading facility in Red Wing. In total, our grain facilities are licensed to store about 19 million bushels.
Contracts offered:
- Fixed-Price Contracts
- Grain Offers
- Minimum Price Contracts
- Basis Contracts
- Futures Fixed Contracts
- Deferred Payments
- Seasonal Average Price Contracts
Advance Trading: We have licensed brokers on staff to help you open your hedging account and assist with your grain marketing.
Contact our GRAIN STAFF today!
Cash Bids, Futures and Elevator Hours and Contracts are now available on the Ag Partners app.
Download the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store
Sign up & manage Grain Bid notifications through DTN.
The risk of trading commodity futures and options can be substantial.