Ag Partners Agronomic Insights
Courtney Wolf Belle Plaine |
Tyrell Treptow Goodhue |
Samantha Schoenfelder Elgin |
Brady Kinneman Ellsworth |
Alfalfa Weevils have been infesting alfalfa fields for the past 6-7 weeks and we are starting to finally see them move out. They definitely left an impact. Whether or not you got your fields sprayed, it is important to keep checking them for weevils and other bugs as another spray might be needed. The pictures below are the same alfalfa field. It was heavily infested with weevils before it was harvested. After harvesting the weevils were still there, so it was sprayed with dimethoate at 1pt/acre. 11 days after spraying, the field was checked again and there were no weevils and the regrowth on the alfalfa was significant. We will keep an eye on this field for any insects, but even if an insecticide is not needed we will end up spraying on some foliar nutrients and PGRs, like Max-In Boron and Ascend SL, that would be beneficial to plant health and most likely increase yield. If you have any questions please contact your local Ag Partners Agronomist. – Courtney
Fungicide application also provides us a great opportunity to deliver micronutrients and/or additional plant health products to the crop during the growing season. Your agronomist can assist you in recommending what product(s) will be best for your acres.
Fungicide season will be upon us in no time and it is never too early to discuss your plan with your Ag Partners Agronomist.
– Samantha
On the Wisconsin side this week we have been blessed by morning, mid-morning, afternoon, and evening rains for the last week. We now have had more rain in the last ten days then we had all last season. I never want to turn down a rain, but this weather could shut off for a few weeks to get our spraying and side dressing complete. I haven’t had any machines stuck in the last three years and we have made up for that in the last three days. It’s been a great week to get caught up on the office work. Our corn crop this week is starting to look better as the nitrogen that was pushed deeper into the soil profile by moisture is now being caught by the root structure as we reach V6-V8. Tendovo sprayed pre on the soybeans is holding very well but as soon as it dries up it will be time to get that second pass applied. If someone would have told me we would have crops in the ground as early as April 13th and some prevent plant acres all in the same year – I would have bet money against that. Stay dry and hopefully we get some relief next week! – Brady