September 29th Crop Progress Report Conditions (Good + Excellent) Corn Conditions G/E: 64% TW vs. 65% LW, 53% LY Soybean Continue Reading
Storage Rate Update
Effective September 1, the daily grain storage rate for both corn and soybeans has increased to $.00164 per bushel per day which is approximately 5 Continue Reading
First Tow of the Season
The Joseph Patrick Eckstein passed Red Wing Grain at 6:33 pm on March 16th. Bringing 12 loaded barges up the Mississippi River, it was the first Continue Reading
Weekly Crop Progress 10/8/2023
October 8th Crop Progress Report Corn and soybean harvest is moving forward slightly ahead of the 5-year average pace. Generally, progress is Continue Reading
Advance Trading Market Update Videos
In these videos from Advance Trading, analyst Brian Basting provides updates on corn and soybean condition scores, looks at the near term weather Continue Reading
Cash Bid Display Update
Ag Partners is changing the way cash bids are displayed on our website. All locations are now displayed separately. Please use the dropdown box to Continue Reading