The one-stop-shop to hearing everything you need to know about what is happening in your fields this week.
This week’s featured agronomists are:
Ben Wagner – Le Sueur
Todd Anderson – Goodhue
Zach Hinsch – Wanamingo
Clay Walser – Elgin
Brady Kinneman – Ellsworth
Scroll down to hear from your local agronomist.
Belle Plaine – Le Center – Le Sueur
Ben Wagner
Topdress season is in full swing around the countryside! It is not too late to get your fields on the list to give them a second shot of nitrogen and sulfur. Most corn is nearing their rapid growth stage where they will begin to take up most of the needed nitrogen. Most of this nitrogen will be heading to help build the corn stalk and leaves and then going into grain itself. As the fertilizer piles are dwindling down; the next step in the season will be looking into spraying fungicide and what varieties are needing to be treated. Be sure to be in contact with your agronomist during the next few weeks to create a fungicide plan to better your ROI.
Nitrogen uptake timing in a corn plant
Pine Island – Cannon Falls – Goodhue – Lake City
Todd Anderson
Spring took its sweet old time getting here, but corn is really starting to stretch out. Even though we didn’t get the early jump on planting, it is important to stick to the game plan you made this winter. The VT Corn Fungicide chart below shows that later planted corn is just as responsive or even more responsive than early planted corn. With current corn prices, fungicide still needs to be a part of your game plan. Be sure to talk to your agronomist after the 4th of July to start mapping out which fields need to be sprayed with fungicide.
Morristown – Wanamingo – Kenyon
Zach Hinsch
Watch it Grow
Our early planted corn in the area is staring to canopy. Currently, our corn plant is putting on a new collar every three days. Corn planted on May 9th is stacking right up with corn planted on April 25th for an average year.
We are basically wrapped up with spraying corn and are onto spraying soybeans with the second pass. A lot of fields are still holding clean from the pre’s while others are starting to green up. It is important we keep ahead of the weeds before they are out of control. With a mix of Enlist and Extend soybeans in the area we need to double and triple check that we are spraying the right chemistry on the right acre.
Happy Spraying!
Elgin – Lewiston – Stewartville
Clay Walser
I have been scouting a lot of bean fields this week. With a majority of f beans being planted in the middle of May, the pre emerges are starting to run out. I am also starting to see some escapes. Most pre emerge herbicides last about 30-40 days, so we need to be checking the beans and start to plan on our post pass. I would also make sure to add another residual type product to your post pass to make sure to keep the waterhemp under control this summer. If you’re not sure if you have been adding a post residual, talk to your local Ag Partners agronomist.
Waterhemp | Striving for clean fields such as the one above |
Brady Kinneman
In Wisconsin applicators are busy in the fields side-dressing corn. At this point we are just over halfway done. Corn is enjoying the sunshine and heat. Currently, corn is in the growth stages V5-V7 and roots are diving deep for nutrients and moisture. Our early planted corn was unfortunately subject of one heavy rain where it washed the seed trench out, diminishing stands. In AYS we have created 14 Nitrogen ELB’s (Enhanced Learning Blocks), where we created different rates of Nitrogen replicated multiple times in the block. We then will use the yield data to calculate the best ROI for our nitrogen applications moving forward.
Soybeans field are looking fair for the most part. Soybeans had a difficult time with emergence this year. Some plants are still trying to break the crust while neighboring plants are V3. Presently, we are spraying our 2nd pass for soybean chemical. Hope everyone is having a great week! |