Our commitment at Ag Partners is to provide you with the best quality feed available.

We start with only the best ingredients along with employees that are committed to manufacturing and delivery of a quality product.

Feed Mills

In November of 1998, Ag Partners built a high tech/ computerized feed mill in Goodhue, Minnesota.  In October of 2013, we added additional milling capacity in Pine Island, Minnesota.  With these feed mills added to our existing network of local warehouses, we can now meet your demands to provide these quality feeds at a competitive price.

Certified safe food logo
Both production facilities are Safe Feed/Safe Food Certified


The following is a list of things that we do to help assure that our feeds are quality assured:

  • Inspect and test each incoming load of ingredients
  • Purchases are made from only the highest quality suppliers
  • Our mill legs have air clean outs for total removal of previous product
  • Batch sequencing to safeguard against any drug residues
  • Computerized feed mixing
    • Automatically times mixing
    • Monitors hand added ingredients
    • Removes “human” errors
  • Load out inspection by mill managers prior to shipping
  • Samples are taken and stored from each load
  • Visual inspection of outgoing feed loads by driver