soybean planting 6.21.15

This week’s crop progress report shows Missouri is still struggling to plant soybeans amid wet weather.  Only 51% of the soybeans in Missouri were planted as of Sunday.  Nationally, soybean planting is 90% complete vs. 95% last year and on average.

soybean conditions 6.21.15

Condition scores have also been declining creating concerns in the marketplace.  Soybean conditions deteriorated again this week reported at 65% good-excellent vs. 67% last week and 72% last year.  The biggest drops were noted in the central/eastern corn belt states of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.

corn conditions 6.21.15

Corn conditions suffered a similar pattern to soybeans with condition score losses concentrated in the east.  Corn conditions declined to 71% good-excellent vs. 73% last week and 74% last year.

crop summary 6.21.15

For the complete NASS crop progress report, click here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading Inc