Chad Swanepoel


In this episode of “Growing Solutions with Chad”, Agronomist Chad Swanepoel talks about the effect of the weather on potential planting situations and how tiling helps you agronomically,

Chad also discusses:

1. How to check alfalfa stand quality, and what the standards are for good stand quality.

2. Why use liquid starter, especially when commodity prices are low?

3. What is Ascend and how does it help your early stand growth, robust roots and plant vigor?

4. A checklist to get ready for spring by taking your seed order and communicating with your Ag Partners Agronomist.

Have a safe spring!

Click here to listen to “Growing Solutions with Chad”:

LIsten for the next “Growing Solutions with Chad” the first Tuesday in May at 9 am on KCHK, or look for it on the Ag Partners website or Facebook page.