The one-stop-shop to hearing everything you need to know about what is happening in your fields this week.

This week’s featured agronomists are:

Easton Schuch – Le Sueur
Gregg Gustine – Pine Island
Garrett Johnson – Morristown
Kenny Loftus – Lewiston
Chase Kinneman – Ellsworth

Scroll down to hear from your local agronomist.

Belle Plaine – Le Center – Le Sueur

Easton Schuch

Harvest is in full swing! Bean harvest is starting to come to a close and with that, we are rolling right into corn. From early reports in the country, we are seeing anywhere from 17% to 27% moistures in fields. Lets make sure we keep on top of which of our fields are the driest and be planning accordingly. With the sunny/windy days we have been having, it’s not taking long for everything to dry down naturally. As long as we stay on top of everything and choose fields based off of moisture and not vicinity, we shouldn’t have to worry as much about late season standability, along with yield loss due to dry down issues. As always, everyone have a safe and bountiful Fall!

Pine Island – Cannon Falls – Goodhue – Lake City

Gregg Gustine Agronomist Pine IslandGregg Gustine

Stalk Quality

While walking a corn field Monday I found large areas where the stalk tops were blown out.  The field had fair amount of tar spot and had not been treated with a fungicide. Stalks above the ear were junk and degrading fast below the ear.

A secondary infection of anthracnose was found at the nodes below the ear making for a very poor stalk. Make sure and scout your fields and get that corn out before it goes down. Have a safe 2022 harvest!

Morristown – Wanamingo – Kenyon


Garrett Johnson

Here in the central region we have had great weather so far for harvest. There are a lot of growers that are wrapped up on beans and moving onto corn. For the most part, beans have been averaging sixty to mid-sixties. We are currently getting a lot of harvest data collected and analyzed to see all the value added products we utilized this summer. So far we have seen great results from fields that were treated with fungicide. As for corn, we are just getting rolling and it seems to be exciting yields so far. Most corn is running just over 20% moisture. Make sure to get all your data to your AYS Specialist so they can start analyzing your 2022 crop year!

Elgin – Lewiston – Stewartville

Kenny Loftus

What an exciting time of year. Harvest is among us and we finally get our report card for the year. Soybean harvest is over 50% complete and there is a good start on corn. Some of the initial yields sound exciting. This year we focused on looking at how low to plant soybeans. At a 30,000-foot look, results seem to be promising. More to come on final results.

To keep things exciting it is very important to take the time during harvest to make sure the data we are collecting is good quality data. It is important to perform a yield calibration. At minimum once per year, per crop. If you start harvesting a different variety and the moisture and/or yield is drastically different I would recommend performing another calibration. If you would like us to come out and help you with a weigh check, please give us a call and we would be happy to assist. I believe with rainfall amounts being highly variable throughout the territory this will be a big factor in making sure we are collecting good data. The importance of this data and what we can do with it is huge compared to say 10 years ago. At the end of harvest we look forward to sitting down with you to go over your 2022 crop year, and with quality data collection that process is much smoother. Remember, good data in = good data out. Have a safe harvest.


Join Chase Kinneman for an update from the field.