Ag Partners Agronomic Insights

Week of May 6, 2024
Local, professional reports straight from the field, from all regions serviced by Ag Partners.

Meet this week’s featured agronomists:

Matt Pettis
Le Center

Zach Hinsch

Gary Seuss

Brady Kinneman

Special Guest Contributor Hailey Hausladen, Elgin

A View From Above 

Featuring Hailey Hausladen


You may have seen a helicopter fly over some alfalfa fields last week.  Join me in the field to learn more!  – Hailey


Belle Plaine – Le Center – Le Sueur – Morristown

We were fortunate enough to have a good start in many areas, however multiple rain events have had us stopped for the past 2 weeks. The fields are still plenty wet but hopeful we can miss these next potential rain chances and be back in the field at the end of the week. There is no need to worry yet as it is still early enough to get our corn in the ground and achieve good yield potential. I know everyone wants to get in the field and get the planting over with, but a little patience goes a long way. We do not want to increase our chances for compaction and sidewall smearing by planting into wet soils. We are starting to see some of the earlier planted corn and soybeans start to emerge, so checking stand counts and emergence will be on the agenda for the coming days. The forecast shows some promising days ahead of warmer weather and hopefully we’ll be back in the fields very soon! Let’s continue to have a safe and fun planting season! – Matt

Goodhue – Lake City – Pine Island – Kenyon
Locally, corn is about 70% planted and soybeans about 20%. Some growers are finished with both while some haven’t started either. Pictured below is sidewall compaction from a field last spring, which I hope not to see in any fields this year. Planting that has happened thus far shouldn’t have any issues as soil conditions have been favorable. After all the moisture we have received, if we do not let our fields adequately dry out before getting back into them, I do foresee it happening again this year. Let’s be patient and have a safe rest of the spring. Thanks for checking in!

– Zach

Elgin – Lewiston – Stewartville

After an early start to the planting season, the frequent and substantial rains we’ve received throughout the entire Ag Partners geography have saturated the fields and kept the planters sitting in the sheds for 2 weeks now.

While we’re waiting for fields to dry out and get back to planting, I thought I’d check the progression and emergence of some corn and soybean fields planted earlier in the season. Below are pictures of corn and soybeans both planted April 14, 2024. The corn was planted at 2” deep and as of Tuesday May 7th had about ½” of growth to reach emergence. The soybeans were planted at 1.5” and are just beginning to crack the surface and begin emerging.

Corn requires around 120 GDUs to emerge and soybeans need about 130 GDUs. Using a Growing Degree Unit calculator, these fields have received about 144 GDUs since planting, which puts the emergence of these fields right on track.  Depending on field conditions, sometimes a couple fewer or couple extra GDUs are needed for crop emergence.

When the weather cooperates and allows us back into the fields, let’s remember to not rush back to planting until the fields are fit.  I know we all like to get the crop planted as early as possible to give us the best shot for top yields, but tillage or planting into soil that is too wet can create unfavorable growing conditions that result in significant yield loss.

Have a safe and productive remainder of Spring!  – Gary


Join me in the video below to learn more on how we create VRT recommendations, utilizing our AYS platform.   – Brady