As corn planting wraps up in our area, be ready to get out in your fields to check stands for even emergence and target population.  Here are a few things to check as you walk your corn fields this spring.


1. Even Emergence:  Are the plants emerging within one day of eacIMG_20150501_084817186h other?  If not, one of the major reasons is uneven planting depth or moisture.


2. Population: Measure off 1/1000 of an acre in multiple rows to determine plant population.  In 30″ rows, measure 17’6″, and in 20″ rows, measure 26’2″. Multiply emerged plants by 1000 to arrive at final population.


3. Plant Spacing Standard Deviation: This will help you determine how well your planter did in spacing kernels.  There is a guide on the Ag Partners website under Agronomy : Crop Management Tools to help you determine your plant spacing.


4. Early pest pressure: Check fields for early weeds and pest pressure especially seedling diseases and seed feeding insects. Call your Ag Partners Agronomist for help in scouting for these early pests such as wireworms, seed corn maggots, and pythium.

As always, call your Ag Partners Agronomist if you suspect a problem and want help to diagnose the issue.