Corn Planting Progress 4-24

Weekly crop progress reported corn planting is 30% complete nationally as of April 24th.  This compares to last year at 16% and the 5-year average is also 16% complete.

Rapid progress is being made in Minnesota where planting is 45% complete.

Progress may slow this week as weather systems bringing rain move across the country.

Conditions    (Good + Excellent)
Winter Wheat Conditions G/E: 59% TW vs. 57% LW, 42% LY
Crop Progress Summary
Corn Planted 30% TW vs. 13% LW, 16% LY, 16% AVG
Corn Emerged 5% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 2% LY, 4% AVG
Soybean Planted 3% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 2% LY, 2% AVG
Milo Planted 20% TW vs. 16% LW, 23% LY, 24% AVG
Winter Wheat Headed 26% TW vs. 12% LW, 25% LY, 24% AVG
Spring Wheat Planted 42% TW vs. 27% LW, 50% LY, 28% AVG
Spring Wheat Emerged 8% TW vs. (NA)% LW, 8% LY, 7% AVG


Read the complete NASS report here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading, Inc