Corn Conditions 9.4.16 Corn Mature 9.4.16 Soybean Conditions 9.4.16 Soybeans Dropping Leaves 9.4.16

Corn condition scores slid 1% in the recent Weekly Crop Progress Report. The corn crop is rated 74% good-excellent vs. 75% last week and 68% last year. However, this is still a historically high rating.  Corn progress is moving ahead nicely with 18% of the crop mature vs. 17% last year and 20 % on average.

Soybean condition scores are also historically high with 73% of the crop rated good-excellent which is steady vs. last week and well ahead of the 5-year average of 63%.  Soybeans dropping leaves are at 12% vs. 15% last year and 12% on average.

Read the complete NASS report here

Graphics courtesy of Advance Trading Inc.