Pacer Prime

How much sleep do you lose trying to beat the average?

Historically, March to June is higher than harvest in marketing December Corn futures.

Through the Pacer Prime contract, you can average the price each day during this period.  (March 1st, 2021 – June 16th 2021)

Advantages of the Pacer Prime contract:

  • Participate in the market while there is potential for a risk premium while limiting your downside.
  • Spread your risk by capturing the market average during the Prime averaging period of March to June
  • Automatic execution reduces marketing stress, frustration and risk
  • Minimal cost of 3¢

Sign Up deadline for the Pacer Prime is Feb 26th

Call today to sign up!  You can sign up old crop (CN21) or new crop (CZ21).


December Corn results comparing Mar-Jun avg. to Oct avg.

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Although all information is believed to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
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